This picture is of a painting that is transformative. Behind it are all of my desires for the next few months. I used to think that by writing them down and looking at them, by being reminded of them I could make them come true for myself.
Then after receiving some responses back – a few no’s as I mentioned, I looked at this vision board – full of “visions” of things that weren’t meant for me and then it all just looked like a list of things that I was trying to make happen. Then I thought… maybe I wasn’t in charge of what was meant to happen.
So I acknowledged myself and my desires. And then I decided to set them free. I just know that things happen for a reason and when I’m ready, I will receive experiences. I know that. So what am I doing trying to force my hand on life? I’ve expressed my desires and I have asked for what I would like. But I know and I think that there are others who feel this way, that I don’t always know what’s best for me. The universe needs to work through me.
I read somewhere… something about doing things with intention. So I painted yesterday again… with the intention of setting these desires free. I admit I still have some humanly hope that they will all come true. But it felt better to let them go, it really did. Now the next step for me is to work on the trusting bit. Trusting that the path that I am on is one I will be guided through and that I don’t have to make things happen.
It is my understanding that people seem to believe that life has to be hard in order for it to be good. That we have to suffer in order to be happy. To that… I have many things that I say to myself and the one I can share is this: Perspective is everything. Peace is powerful.
So yeah… I feel better now after setting some things free. It feels a bit more okay to be here. Like that is enough.
Talk soon
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