The days are settling. I don’t really have any feelings of not wanting to do any of them. I used to have that feeling quite a lot.
It feels really good to realize this. And it’s not because every day is so great and nice all the time. Each day feels filled with ease and meaning in a way that I just didn’t feel about life before.
I love this feeling though. Every night I rest deeply knowing that the next day will come and I will be okay.
A huge fear that I had has now been met and acknowledged and transformed and honored. I used to feel extremely afraid that I would not be okay.
I don’t have this feeling anymore. I have core stability. I still wonder and I still have fears. But not this one. Not about if I am going to be okay. I have seen just how okay I am. It’s giving me perspective about just how okay I have been as well.
Even when I didn’t feel okay.
To me, okay is a state of being. I can be feeling anything and still be okay.
And now I believe that I will be okay no matter what. I am sure there will be tests to this. However, I have come to a new level of trust in this belief now. And that feels really good.
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