Book yoga, astrology, meditation with Bianca

Some days

Some days it just doesn’t happen.

Some days I wake up angry.
Some days I feel like I don’t know what to do with myself.

Some days I have no idea what I want to eat.

Some days I feel like cooking everything that we have in the fridge.
Some days my heart physically hurts, some days it emotionally hurts.

Some days I am overwhelmed by my experience.
Some days I feel that I hate certain people.
Some days I fall in love with people in passing, walking, eating a sandwich, sitting on a bench.

Some days … well some days I just don’t understand the point of being here.

Some days people die and some days I feel absolute agony over it.

Some days I wake up feeling sticky.

Some days I wake up feeling like I couldn’t be more grateful to be here.
Some days the joy sparks from within like a flame to a fire.

Some days I feel really disappointed.

Some days I believe in myself.
Some days I doubt myself til my eyes close for rest.

Some days my heart whispers and I can hear it.

Some days I feel deaf to myself and overcome by the world.

Some days I feel really sorry for myself.

Some days I ‘should’ myself into exhaustion.

Some days, the best part of my day is a nice hot drink.

Some days I feel like people failed me.

Some days I feel like I failed myself.

Now some days my body temperature feels uncontrollable.

Some days I have a glimpse into the perfection of regulation.

Some days I feel so lonely in the world.

Some days I feel deeply in love.

Some days are for some reason supposed to feel more important than others.

Some days those important days become important for other reasons than I thought.

Some days, those important days line up with days that people die.

So some days just feel … well they just feel like they are not like other days.

And some days feel like they are like other days.

Some days I dream and some days I don’t.

What about all days?
Some days I wonder about all days.
Some days I wonder if I will ever marry.

Some days I question everything.
Some days I feel filled with rage.
Some days I feel filled with fright.

Some days I am affirmed.

Some days I deny myself.

Some days I love you.

Some days I don’t feel it.

Some days become all the days.

And some days it’s alright.

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practicing how I want to be in life

B Source Library Articles

This is a collection of both an archive and present day musings. Archived stories of past B on the journey of evolution mixed in with current desires to share processes, thoughts, discoveries and tools used on the journey of self-discovery, creative embodiment and remembering my wholeness.