Watch that ^. Just watch that and let yourself feast on the beauty of it. This week I have been volunteering at the Dublin Dance Festival (DDF) and I was lucky enough to be able to sit in on the screening of Alonzo King’s Constellation. Mr. King himself gave a post-show talk as well and what he gave me was perspective.
I am always looking for ways to broaden my perspective and expand my mind. I got absolutely sucked into this work for an hour and a half. I allowed it to soothe my soul, to trigger my senses and to allow my thoughts to wander freely for the first time in a good while.
The dance brought my mind to a meditative place. A place where thoughts could pass while my body and soul were engaged in the passion, beauty and purity of what my eyes were seeing.
The relationship between the music and the movement is what allowed those thoughts to pass – there was a complexity in what I was seeing that connected deeply with me. Mr. King touched upon this in his post-show talk, mentioning that the world we live in is all music and our bodies get lost in music and sound from the minute we are born. What we do as we go through life is learn to shut it out and what he has done here is brought it back to life and to see how life is music. His company looks like the way the world looks, which is something he is very proud of and it shows through his work and his speech.
The most striking thing to me was their absolutely undeniable accuracy and clarity in expressing their movements. It is truly inspiring in a world where we are constantly trying to figure out how to express ourselves, who we are and what is the best way to share that. To see artists who have reached the near pinnacle of accuracy in expressing themselves and their dance, is a privilege.
What my life has revealed to me lately is compounded tenfold in reflecting on this performance: perspective and intention can reveal a lot about ourselves, to both ourselves and to others.
More on this in time. And if you are interested in more about DDF feel free to check out the program and buy tickets!
Talk soon,
Photo credit: Dublin Dance Festival Website
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