So here I am… at the airport … waiting till the last possible moment to give birth to this damn post lol because it carries so much weight – why it does it feel like the weight of the world is in one little phrase?
Well heres what Im figuring out – when the phrase is this-
Thank you.
I’m so grateful.
When it’s this and it comes from a place where you have to justify it – this is what happens when I start to realize how FREAKING happy I am and how excited I feel to be waiting to get on the plane to Ireland now, thinking about how I got to this point and the support of all of the beautiful people who have been a part of this journey so far.
Its one of those moments where there are no words… but actually…. there are.
No words in my head that can suffice to describe what I feel because what I feel is in my heart.
Oh man everyone I cant even believe that this is about to happen – this journey is finally here and Two Can Do is going on tour. I am going on tour. I did this and I am doing this. Sometimes it feels like I could laugh about it all because I never could have predicted that I would be doing this now. When I first flew to Ireland 7.5 years ago I had no idea that my life would be forever changed by a place that lit my heart ablaze with a spark of spirit that I didn’t even know I had yet somehow felt like I was meeting myself again. That spirit has lit a fire in me that burns so brightly to this day because it brought me here. To claiming my identity as an artist. To sharing my vision and committing to it. To asking for help, and to receiving it in heaps. I kept saying to myself – I cannot believe it. But now as I sit here, waiting to get on the plane and waiting for it to hit me that this is really happening I realize – wait- its been here this whole time. All I had to do was believe it. What does that take? Well I know I have to get there myself but honestly what has helped me beyond measure is seeing the belief in me that has come from others through supportive messages, emails, hugs, donations, reviews, and supportive energy that is allowing me to see myself reflected in others. The more I believe, the more I see how much others also believe. Thank you soo much everyone for allowing me to see myself in you. There’s just one more thing I want to share with you:
Walking in the dark has never felt more right in my entire life, thank you all for the flashlights, torches, lighters and neon signs along the way.
And thank you… infinitely for being by my side while I took the journey to realize that my phone has a flashlight too… and accept the blessing that the light to lead the way to the next step comes from me… And you could all see it. Thank you for being patient with me and supporting me while I learn to accept that I can see it for myself. Now I am… we are… unstoppable.
Thank you all so much for being there. Here we are at the beginning of this next chapter. Cannot wait to share all of the news and excitement with you.
So these words… are just it. Thank you all so much. I feel like I won the lotto. I am a millionaire
We only need 635.31 dollars to cover our expenses- it’s amazing. And I have full belief that we will achieve that.
If you would like to contribute to the last stretch please visit our fractured atlas page.
Talk soon,
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