I am feeling a little bit of a lull with coming here to write. And I think that’s okay. I am interested in seeing this through especially because 100 days is something that makes me feel like I can feel it out.
So I am in the sticky middle. And these days I’ve been feeling a bit like I don’t know what to write or like I don’t want to. I am not sure if it’s all the same or if it’s even something else.
However, I keep showing up. And I love that. I want to see this through. I want to write. My stories. Other people’s stories.
Love notes. I cannot wait to be pregnant. I want to write love notes to my future children. I really cannot wait. However, I am being patient. But I will be blessed. So much so. If that were to be a part of my path.
My heart feels light when I imagine it. I imagine it a lot.
I have a lot of dreams and desires. Are they fantasies? I’m not sure.
Time, however… time has allowed me to be able to tell whether or not it is a fantasy. Patience is required for this. I am learning.
I am here. Doing this. In my life. In my body. In my days.
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