I’m still thinking … all I do is think all day! It’s a blessing and a curse. Anyway, yesterday’s Daily Post prompt got me thinking about what cause I am passionate about.
So I had to think about it for a minute, because I can’t really say that a particular cause has been a significant part of my life. I support any that I can whenever I can especially because I understand that there are so many unfair circumstances and awful happenings in the world. There are people living with awful conditions and diseases and so whenever I see a chance to help, I do.
But the prompt doesn’t ask about that. It doesn’t ask about what you try to do for the world that supports a particular cause. It asked me, what is a cause that I am passionate about.
I am calling it- The Whites of Your Eyes – let me explain.
You may have heard the phrase before, “Let them see the whites of your eyes.” It could mean a number of different things and in fact I think it actually does. But to me it means this: Be confident in yourself and your abilities. SELF_CONFIDENCE. I am so passionate about this and I always have been. From a young age I would always say… nobody is going to love you if you don’t love yourself. (You can quote me if you want “Nobody is going to love you if you don’t love yourself.”- Bianca Paige Smith haha thanks in advance!) And it is so true.
You can do WHATEVER you want to do. If you want to do it and you work hard at it, you will earn it. There are so many obstacles that can challenge a person or even block their way, but the confidence in themselves is what gets the successful people through. I am convinced. Thoroughly convinced in that actually. You must believe in yourself in order to achieve.
I am blessed because however I was conceived, born and raised, I grew up with self-confidence, a natural self-confidence that helped me to achieve a lot of things. I only know this now, looking back on a time where I really didn’t have any self-confidence because I had temporarily lost the one thing that gave me the most pride and confidence in myself. Now that I have it back and my confidence back (kind of) I am realizing just how important it is to have that.
Success thrives on positivity and confidence. You MUST give yourself your best chance. It’s only fair.
I am passionate about that. And I dare you to join in the conversation and just think about what you are passionate about. What is it that stirs you? It could be anything, just put it out there and pleaseeeee let them see the Whites of Your Eyes!
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