So today I am thinking that I want to have a ceremony. A ceremony to honor all that has come before today . all that has supported the identity that I was creating, upholding and attaching to.
You know when you experience something snd then realize it has changed you?? I realize how transformed I am from my life’s experiences, particularly of this last decade.
One decade ago I had my first taste of my own goodness, kindness and soulfulness. My first true taste of this being reflected back to me. And at the close of this decade I am actually doing the exact opposite of what I thought i would do.
Ireland has held a special place in my heart and soul.
I have learned so much about myself and my not self in this place and in relation to this place. What a flipping beautiful journey.
And also I am tired. Today I am looking back on all that I have learned and experienced and I am truly surrendering. The process of surrendering feels like erosion. It feels like friction. It feels like being here now.
I am glad about that. Questioning my thoughts and beliefs has been the most beautiful, humbling, life giving process I have experienced. And the scariest to get to. I almost refused to do it because well… what would be left?
The search for truth and love. So today as I grieve what I thought would be based on what has been, I also rest. For what is to come.
Thank you.
Intentional self-expression. I love you.
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