Book yoga, astrology, meditation with Bianca

Today… august 23

So today I woke up feeling like I could just get up and get started with my day. This feeling is something I definitely took for granted.

I have been reconnected with EFT – tapping. So I tap in the mornings now. To move energy and to expand on my path to unconditional love for my self.

I have started working at TaskHuman. Yesterday I had my first coaching call. An astrology reading. I read the chart on the spot because the call came in during my open appointment hours. In that moment, I was buzzing. Beaming. And so grateful for my training, my studies and my way of seeing things.

We had a beautiful exchange.

Lately I have really been questioning what the point is of all of this. This wild journey called life. And what I am here to do with the time I have been given. I know I am not here to respond to what comes but to be recognized for what I see. I realize that what I see is a world full of bright shiny brilliance in the form of humanity. Searching. Seeking the answer, seeking the truth, seeking the feeling of okayness. Of acceptance. Of love. Of purpose.

What I see, is reflected back at me. So now, with this opportunity to share with a wider community at TaskHuman, it is even easier to walk with others on this voyage where they, too, seek.

And I am here to walk beside you, when you find me, and share the tools along the journey that have helped me, in a very specific way to you. Because that is what I see. Your magic. Your brilliance. You.

So in all the questioning, I am so extremely glad to have stumbled upon my skills set. That I said yes when asked if I wanted to go to dance class. That I changed my major to neuroscience because I was tired of being bored and I wanted to learn something that would get me to go to class every day.

That I followed the invitation to study Astrology and Human Design. That I said yes to creating Two Can Do. That I followed the nudge to become a yoga y teacher. That I recognized Embodied Contemplation being born out of my studio process and I refined that practice. That I felt the need to create an offering where we could be present together, practice moving together and experience the power of ritual as it supports us to connect to our own innate wisdom. And that this offering is named after one thing that feels true for me… I Am Here Now.

So today … I feel really glad about those things.

Thank you.

intentional self-expression … I love you B

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practicing how I want to be in life

B Source Library Articles

This is a collection of both an archive and present day musings. Archived stories of past B on the journey of evolution mixed in with current desires to share processes, thoughts, discoveries and tools used on the journey of self-discovery, creative embodiment and remembering my wholeness.