Every time you flex your trust muscle, it strengthens.
I read this article recently and I just need to express my thoughts. That’s what I’m here for anyway right?
When I was a little girl, I was convinced I had two hearts. My life was SO full of love that I was just convinced I had to have two hearts because there wasn’t enough space in one to fit all of the love that was within me and that I felt on a daily basis. I would get these moments (these are fewer and farther between now) where I would see some thing or someone in its truest, most honest and beautiful form and it would make me SO happy that tears would rush into my eyes and I would get so excited. I could always feel something in my body as well – a funny but warm feeling and I knew it was my second heart lighting up.
Why did I have two? Well see one was for me. Because it was my heart. And the other one was for you. All of the love in the world that I already had was in my heart and then I had to have all the excess spill over into somewhere. Hence the second heart. Looking back on it, I just LOVE my little self for that. It’s so beautiful and honest. It was my absolute truth back then.
I had a sad thought recently though. Which is why I’m here of course… Somewhere along the line, one of my hearts has been neglected.
And I realized I need to relearn to love myself.
At home I have a Build-a-Bear that two of my lovely friends from high school took me to make. They bought her for me and her name is Lambchop. And since there was two of them making it, they allowed us to put TWO hearts in. One is pure red and the other is a red and white checkered heart. She is my spirit animal. I am going to be channeling her this weekend.
I started giving myself hugs. Actually hugging myself. The first one happened at the beach last weekend. I just felt so overwhelmed and overcome with a sense of myself that I just had to hug myself. It was like being reunited with my long lost twin.
So I have a teeny goal this summer – to reconnect with little b and get my two hearts working again. I have these moments of clarity, where my heart feels so full and I feel so lucky to feel them. So I am opening my heart(s) to them more again.
We are our most important friends. I always used to say – you have to love yourself if you want others to love you. That’s the simplicity of self-love really.
So look – if you find yourself not wanting to be alone, not being able to sleep at night because your mind is cluttered with thoughts you are afraid to acknowledge, feeling badly about yourself because of society, other people or what you think you should be like – just let it all go.
Rub your hands together and give yourself a hug. Reconnect with yourself. Feel yourself and be reminded that you have your greatest confidant and friend right in your arms in that moment.
Trust yourself. Love yourself. You can do it.
Talk soon
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