How can you beat that^?! The photo honestly doesn’t even do it justice, but yesterday’s walk along the Clontarf seafront was so nice.
I was just itching to go out and do something yesterday. I’ve been feeling like I haven’t been using my free time to actually dooooo anything. So yesterday it all came to a head and finally a plan came into place!
We went for a walk, a really long nice walk, and this is what I saw!
It was such a nice evening. And it is sooo nice to just sit and chat as well. The timing of the walk was fab because we got to witness the sunset which as you can see is gorgeous.
Being by the sea just clears my head. It feels almost instantaneous as well. If I could live anywhere in the world I wouldn’t care as long as it was within walking distance of a moving body of water. The air is different. It smells different and it feels different. It’s a place where you can go and release your thoughts and speak your peace and like the tide it just fades away.
And you just need to runnnn away and get the HECK out of there before it comes back in lol. 🙂 seriously though, it is such a peaceful time to be walking along the sea and be near something so natural and beautiful and for the most part untouched.
That’s where the true beauty lives. In the raw materials. I feel like I can strip away all the superficial worries of my life and my day when I’m near the sea. And we can both be raw and beautiful together.
I love the sea. And I loooove living in a city where there is no shortage of the beautiful, raw, peaceful sea. Dublin- what a gorgeous place to live.
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